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HerStory Revealed w. Theresa Alexis Lucas

Tamekia Bynum-Lesure

HerStoryMag: Where were you born and raised?

Theresa Alexis: I was born and raised in Birmingham, AL, where I certainly didn’t fit into my family’s “normal” or “average” box. Growing up wasn’t a walk in the park and it certainly isn’t what I would describe as “good” or “great”. I have four siblings but only grew up in the same house with three of them. My older brother stayed with my great aunt and uncle in MS for as long as I could remember.

HerStoryMag: Who was childhood hero?

Theresa Alexis: My grandmother Rebecca was my hero and remains to be that to this day. She has gone on to be with God, but her legacy remains in my heart and echoes in the life of my children. She taught me how to fight for a better life than what was given to me and I have done my best to do that for my family. The most exciting thing about all this is I get to live out the dreams she prepared me for.

HerStoryMag: What book has influenced you the most?

Theresa Alexis: As far as books, The Bible has been the rock of my life since 18 and I am so glad I yielded to the authority of God.

HerStoryMag: If you could do anything you wanted tonight (anywhere, for any amount of money), what would you do and why?

Theresa Alexis: If I could do one thing tonight it would be to bring someone to Jesus or pay off a small debt for someone.

HerStoryMag: If you had the opportunity to meet one person you haven’t met who would it be, why and what would you talk about?

Theresa Alexis: The one person I’d like to meet right now is Michelle Obama, because I just love her authenticity. We’d talk for hours about the state of black women, especially black women in uniform, we’d laugh and make corny jokes and I’d ask her for advice on impacting military women and military spouses.

HerStoryMag: What’s the most important thing I should know about you?

Theresa Alexis: The most important thing about me is I’m myself all the time with everybody. There were times in my life where I felt like I couldn’t be myself and they were usually in environments I couldn’t control, per say. I decided to stop caring about what people thought about me, whether that be the way I looked, thought, dressed, or the way I talked. It has given me so much freedom to just be ME!

HerStoryMag: What do you value more, intelligence or common sense?

Theresa Alexis: I strongly value common sense because it’s needed in more situations than just intelligence. While both are needed AND it’s a bonus if you have both, common sense saves lives (at least that’s my motto).

HerStoryMag: When and where were you happiest in your life?

Theresa Alexis: I’m the happiest in life when I am with my husband and kids. They really do make my life better and I couldn’t imagine my life without them. They are the driving force for me and my WHY. I push myself to go out of my comfort zone because I know they’re watching, learning, praying, and being encouraged.

HerStoryMag: What made you want to become an entrepreneur?

Theresa Alexis: I always wanted to be in business since I was a teenager, but due to my dad having to close down his business he didn’t consider that a “real job”. Eventually, I left the military and became an entrepreneur full-time. It wasn’t easy and I struggled, but I prevailed nonetheless. Many people think it’s all about wealth, but it’s also about what you learn along the way. I eventually hired a business coach who helped me hone in on my skills, experience, gifts, and talents. From that, I created my title as The Military Bride Strategist™️. I’ve never looked back.

HerStoryMag: What is the most rewarding part about being an entrepreneur?

Theresa Alexis: The most rewarding thing is becoming a CEO and getting to do what I love and not have to sacrifice my marriage or relationship with my kids. Now that’s what I consider “The Life”!

HerStoryMag: What are you an expert in?

Theresa Alexis: I am an expert in training couples, families, and singles, specifically with a military affiliation/background, in how to cultivate thriving relationships so that they can be mission-ready and mission capable by building resilience at home and in the workplace.

HerStoryMag: What advice would you give yourself before you started this company?

Theresa Alexis: I didn’t really give myself advice prior to jumping on the entrepreneurial path, but I did believe in myself and think that I would be okay out in the business streets.

HerStoryMag: When will you feel like your company/brand is successful?

Theresa Alexis: I feel like my company is already successful and is on its way building legacy.

HerStoryMag: Tell us an “aha moment” you recently had about being a woman, big or small!

Theresa Alexis: My “aha moment” as a woman is that I am Black and that God has a purpose in that. I’m not a mistake, I’m not a curse, I am divinely orchestrated to be who God has called me to be and to empower and impact the people He’s called me to.

HerStoryMag: What are your superpowers?

Theresa Alexis: My superpower is just being ME! Not everyone can do that, which is so disheartening. Knowing my purpose is still a process. I know for a fact that I’m called to help marriages to thrive and last, and I know that I am an ambassador for Christ.

HerStoryMag: Any regrets? What are they?

Theresa Alexis: The only regret I have is that I didn’t obey God sooner to do what I’m doing. However, He can and will redeem you, your time, and your business. I am fully aligned, fully on fire, and fully ready for what God would have me do to impact all military couples, families, and singles.

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