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Living Faith

Tamekia Bynum-Lesure

The only way for me to experience the promise of faith and please God in doing so was to LIVE faith.

How often do you have someone say to you, "Just have faith?" No matter what the situation is or how difficult or exhausting the task is, "Just have faith." Or maybe it's not someone else, maybe you are like me, and you give yourself a hard time about not having enough faith and "knowing better." I know the bible and I know what faith is. It's one of the first things I learned when I started this Christian journey, so I had no reason to continue fumbling faith. But I did.

Something had to change. So, I started reading every scripture I could find about faith, trying to discover what I missed. I watched every sermon and read as many books as I could get my hands on. I journaled and prayed for more wisdom and understanding. I went all in.

And then it happened. My aha moment.

The good book clearly defined faith so I used it as my foundation. Then it was time for me to start building. First, I had to ask myself some hard questions. What is my relationship with faith? How does it resonate with me? What does it mean to me? How does it show up in my life? What parts of my faith were given, which parts did I borrow, and most importantly which parts are my truths?

After exploring these questions, I concluded that it was not enough for me to just know about faith. What it is, what it means, what it will or won't do. The only way for me to experience the promise of faith and please God in doing so was to LIVE faith.

I was not living faith. I was reading, listening, writing, and praying about the meaning of faith. Even when I was practicing it, I was trying to act out the meaning of it, I was not living it. The only way I could live it was to embody it. I had to be it.

It reminded me of being a mother. If you look up the word in the dictionary you would get a really cute definition. But if you are a mother, you already know. When I think of myself and motherhood there are no words. I am it. I eat, sleep, and breathe it. I walk it. I talk it. I don't even think twice about it. I refuse to allow anyone or anything to diminish it. I will do WHATEVER it takes for it. I model it. I perform it. I LIVE it.

And just like that, I knew that's the same relationship I had to have with faith.

Living faith is to stop sleeping on your superpowers.

Living faith is to stop explaining your why when God gives you a word.

Living faith is to stop sitting on the sidelines of your life and become a ride or die.

Living faith is to stop allowing fear to hinder your progress.

Living faith is trusting God and his process, even when things are not adding up.

Living faith is doing it anyway, even when you have to do it alone.

My question to you is, when you have to meet faith face to face, will faith know who you are?

A woman of God and faith can do things that most would think is impossible. Don't just know faith, read faith, or understand faith.

LIVE faith.


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